riverの日記: めぼしい動画
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今週(Jan 30, 2015~Feb 5, 2015)のめぼしい動画20選。
- IT・ゲーム
- patrickJMT, Bill Gates and his Pancake Problem
- Doing Computers, Clojure for Rubyists
- Computerphile, Indie Games & the Fourth Dimension - Computerphile
- arglefumph, Regeria Hope
- Retro Core, Battle of the Ports - Densha de Go! 電車でGO! (Show #52) 60fps
(1:24) It's hard to believe just how popular Densha de Go! was in Japan unless you were actually here at the time. But basically, this was the biggest thing in the country for many years. The Japanese love their trains, and they just went wild for Densha de Go!
- Gaming Historian, History of LJN - Gaming Historian
- UltimateFloyd1, Grim Fandango Remastered Impressions
- Game Escape, Tecmo Bowl Memories
- HappyConsoleGamer, AWESOME GAME NEWS! - Happy Console Gamer
- Game Sack, Game Sack - The CD-i
- 音楽
- sonicstate, NAMM 2015: Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 - Demo
- Roland | ローランド, Guitar Friend Jam, V-Drums Friend Jam
- 教育・啓蒙・議論
- Art of Problem Solving, Art of Problem Solving: 2015 AMC 10 A #22 / AMC 12 A #17
- n人が円を成さず一直線に並んでいる場合、可能な状態の数はフィボナッチ数 fibn+2 になる(最後の人がその前の人と逆の状態になるか、最後の二人が共に座っているのどちらかなので、n人の時の場合の数はn-1人の時の場合の数と、n-2人の時の場合の数の和になる)ので、n人が円形に並んでる場合は、その内一人が立っている場合(両脇が座り、残りn-3人は一直線に並んでいるのと同じ)と座っている場合(残り n-1 人は一直線に並んでいるのと同じ)にわけて考えて fibn-1+fibn+1 になる、という風に一般的に解くことも出来る。
- AsapSCIENCE, 8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work - Scientifically!, 6 Sick Myths You Thought Were True - Debunked
- Sixty Symbols, Four Types of Multiverse - Sixty Symbols
- TED-Ed, Why are some people left-handed? - Daniel M. Abrams
- PBS Idea Channel, Do You Have the Right to Be Forgotten? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
- Art of Problem Solving, Art of Problem Solving: 2015 AMC 10 A #22 / AMC 12 A #17
- 手品・トリック
- Quirkology, The Incredible Candles
- Scam School, How To Misuse Condoms
- Mismag822 - The Card Trick Teacher, TRIPLE PLAY Card Trick Revealed & Deck Giveaway
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