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14107157 submission

Jammers add protection to your information security

タレコミ by perfectjammer
perfectjammer 曰く、

An option is to jam the drones so they lose contact from their operators and safely bring them down, or for others, try the old way of casting a net to catch these. For soldiers, jamming is a quick option so they can focus on the mission ahead.On its own, Drone Gun Pro can work up to a distance of 1,000 meters with its directional antennas. It can be operated manually or on automatic mode, covering the 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz and GNSS frequency bands. Drone Gun Pro plans on releasing an external active antenna to cover additional frequencies. The device has a standby time of 20 hours and with continuous jamming it can last for two hours.


“These promising test results mark a step forward countering the security threat posed by contraband cellphones,” said Assistant Attorney General Beth Williams of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy. “The results indicate the potential for localized impact of this micro-jamming technology. That is an encouraging sign that brings us closer to a solution that will make our communities safer and help prevent the continuation of criminal activity from inside prison walls.”


China has been ramping up its 5G ambitions and the trade war, while a push for fairer economic treatment according to Trump, could also be seen as an attempt to buy some time and breathing space to figure out how to get ahead in the telecoms race. 5G after all is clearly more important than what has come before. Once China has established an edge in 5G, it will be a devastating blow to the US and European countries. Perhaps America will no longer have secure communications.


"The Chinese are about to win. They’ve got 5G. They’ve found out a way. Everybody’s going to be getting stuff on their gizmos through the Chinese system and not the American system. Our communications may become less secure in the future." Johnson said, according to The Guardian newspaper

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あと、僕は馬鹿なことをするのは嫌いですよ (わざとやるとき以外は)。-- Larry Wall
