SassyOS2のコメント: マイナー OS/2 最高www (スコア 3, おもしろおかしい) 62
Policy statement concerning Spectre and Meltdown exploits
In order to gain access to any information in privileged memory using one of these exploits, a user-level application must be launched on the specific machine to be compromised. This means that presently, an OS/2 executable must be used as the attack vector. As of this writing, we are not aware of any such code which executes on the OS/2 platform.
Browser-based attacks (running JavaScript) appear to require greater precision in a high-resolution timer than is currently available on OS/2, making such exploits more difficult than on other platforms, if not altogether impossible. It should also be noted that any such JavaScript-based attack would have to also be specifically designed to handle access to memory regions as managed by OS/2 (in other words, a malicious JavaScript program must be written for OS/2 and specifically to run in the OS/2 browser version in which it is running; a JavaScript program written for Windows or Linux will not work on OS/2). Realistically, the chance of this level of coding detail is extremely small.
どうしても攻撃コードはプラットフォーム依存になるからマイナー OS/2 は狙われにくいというお話。さあみんな OS/2 を使おうよ。
# というコメントを Windows 10 の Firefox で書いていますw