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airheadの日記: temp: A Nation of Thieves? (en,ja)

日記 by airhead

これは「A Nation of Thieves?」の原文+訳文+覚書です。転載許可の問題などの、何らかのさしつかえがあれば消すかもしれません。 (2004/04/30)


A Nation of Thieves?


Something happened on the way 2 the 21st century. Media and entertainment companies started “converging” and “shareholder value” became far more important than customer service and respect 4 company employees ever managed 2 b. Compensation packages 4 company xecutives hit the stratosphere - while holding them accountable 4 their company's results became nearly impossible.


These xecutives r indeed very naive if they think that people haven't noticed.


People r noticing that something isn't quite right - that something is indeed very wrong. After a decade during which the stock market gained apparent respectability as a legitimate, sensible 4m of investing, the recent slew of huge corporate scandals reveals that it is still what it has always been: a sick place where neurotic, puerile gamblers get their kicks off the backs of millions of “anonymous” workers and individuals, who have no control over what happens 2 their hard-earned retirement savings.


Yet this is the place that most company xecutives feel is much more important 2 watch than the actual people 4 whom they produce their goods and services. This is the place where the fate of thousands of employees is decided every day by people staring at computer monitors showing ever-changing, meaningless lists of numbers and charts. And if u happen 2 personally hold shares in a company that has just announced that it is “restructuring” in order 2 improve its bottom-line and thus increase its “shareholder value”, don't kid urself: When the company is talking about “shareholders”, it's not talking about u and ur measly couple of thousands of shares. It's only talking about big shareholders - i.e. other companies that own a more significant share of its market value.


This is a world where “hostile takeovers” and government-approved “mergers” r feeding a never-ending cycle of fewer and fewer xecutives wielding more and more power on a multinational scale. Soon enough, the “World Company” and George Orwell's 1984 will no longer b the stuff of satire or fiction - but prophetic descriptions of a very real “New World Order” gradually unfolding b4 r eyes.

そこは「敵対的買収」や政府承認の「合併」が多国籍規模の、生き残った重役たちのさらなる力の行使という果てしない循環を煽っている世界である。「World Company社」やジョージ・オーウェルの『1984』が風刺や作り話ではすまなくなり、次第に私たちの目前に姿を現しつつある、非常に現実的な「新しい世界秩序」についての予言的な記述と捉えられるようになるのも時間の問題だろう。

※「World Company社」...Google翻訳ではうまく訳せなかった。「ウェブサイトを作るため、当World Company社は人材を募集しています。ウェブ??? 1名 / ???プログラマ 1名 / ???グラフィックデザイナー 1名 / ???????なセールスマン 150名。」最後がオチになっている一発ネタサイトだと思うけど、肝心のところが訳されなかったのでさっぱり意味がわからない。


A Little History


Let's start with a simple list: America Online, Time, Life, Warner Bros., Fortune, Elektra, Sports Illustrated, HBO, Turner Broadcasting, CNN, Cinemax, Entertainment Weekly, New Line Cinema, In Style, Warner/Chappell Music, Time Warner Cable, WBN, ICQ, Warner Music Group, Netscape, People, Reprise, Rhino, Atlantic, WEA, TNT, MapQuest, WinAmp, In Demand, Erato, Moviefone, Road Runner, etc. All owned by the same corporate giant (AOL Time Warner).

まずは簡単なリストから始めることにしよう:America Online, 『Time』, 『Life』, Warner Bros., 『Fortune』, Elektra, 『Sports Illustrated』, HBO, Turner Broadcasting, CNN, Cinemax, 『Entertainment Weekly』, New Line Cinema, 『In Style』, Warner/Chappell Music, Time Warner Cable, WBN, ICQ, Warner Music Group, Netscape, People, Reprise, Rhino, Atlantic, WEA, TNT, MapQuest, WinAmp, In Demand, Erato, Moviefone, Road Runnerなど。 これらはすべて、同じ巨大企業に所有されている(AOL Time Warner)。

And another one: Universal Music Group, Verve, Nathan, Canal+, Impulse!, Cegetel, USA Networks, Decca, Interscope, Geffen, A&M, Barclay, Armand Colin, L'Express, Universal Studios, Larousse, Sierra, MP3.com, MCA Records, Deutsche Grammophon, Cineplex, etc. All owned by the same corporate giant (Vivendi Universal).

もう一つ見てみよう:Universal Music Group, Verve, Nathan, Canal+, Impulse!, Cegetel, USA Networks, Decca, Interscope, Geffen, A&M, Barclay, Armand Colin, 『L'Express』, Universal Studios, Larousse, Sierra, MP3.com, MCA Records, Deutsche Grammophon, Cineplexなど。 これらはすべて、同じ巨大企業に所有されている(Vivendi Universal)。

And yet another one: Disney, ABC, ESPN, Hyperion, Miramax, Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures, A&E, The History Channel, E! Entertainment, RTL-2, Buena Vista, Mr. Showbiz, Wall of Sound, Mammoth Records, etc. All owned by the same corporate giant (Walt Disney).

さらにもう一つ:Disney, ABC, ESPN, Hyperion, Miramax, Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures, A&E, The History Channel, E! Entertainment, RTL-2, Buena Vista, Mr. Showbiz, Wall of Sound, Mammoth Recordsなど。 これらはすべて、同じ巨大企業に所有されている(Walt Disney)。

Need we say more? See 4 urself… There's already only 7 of these corporate giants in total - and how long will it b b4 there r even fewer?

この説明で足りないというのなら、あなた自身の目で確かめていただきたい…… 既に巨大企業の数はすべて合わせてもたったの7つ――これがもっと少なくなるまでに、どれほど時間がかかるというのだろう?

It all began innocently enough. Young entrepreneurs in the early 20th century started up new companies with a mix of creative ambition and business acumen. Then these companies grew bigger and bigger, and whatever entrepreneurial vision was present at their birth became more and more diluted and less and less relevant. Then corporate accountants suggested merging with or taking over other companies - and it all became an all-2-real game of Monopoly.


※「entrepreneur」について「興行主(仏語)」「企業家」のいずれか迷ったが、前者を採った。「with a mix of creative ambition and business acumen」「entrepreneurial vision」とは具体的には「芸術について模索し他所で見られないものを演れば客が集まる」ということで、「集中化/没個性化/画一化」とは対極にあるものを興行主根性として持っていたのに自ら潰していった ...と書いているのだろうと思う。

Then the Internet and “new technologies” came about, and the accountants' next big idea was convergence - i.e. the merging of “content” providers and “access” providers in order 2 control everything from the inception of a “cultural product” 2 its ultimate consumption by the unsuspecting masses.


The Art of Manipulation


※ 最初は「芸術でなく操縦術」などとしていたが、くどいし余計な世話になってるような気がしたので、忠実に。

It is easy 2 guess what got lost along the way… Creativity. Artistry. Independence. Critical objectivity. Uncontrolled access. The ability 2 “break thru” cultural barriers. Cultural diversity. Innovation. Freedom. Real music. Real art.

その過程で何が失われるかについては、想像に難くない…… 創造性。芸術性。独自性。批評の客観性。コントロールに縛られないアクセス。文化の垣根を「打ち破る」能力。文化の多様性。革新。自由。真の音楽。真の芸術。

Juggling between art and commerce is a delicate balance at the best of times… and these r definitely NOT the best of times.

芸術と商業のバランスを取って両立させるというのは、条件が整っていても細心の注意が必要となる…… そして、現在条件が整っていないということは明らかだ。

So now we have a so-called magazine “reporting” on the latest new blockbuster movie with a 10-page, full-color spread - as if the reporters weren't aware that the same company that produced the movie also owns their magazine… Yes, this is still called a “magazine”. These r still called “reporters”. And this is still called “journalism”… And yet millions of people r gleefully letting themselves b had.

最近、10ページ・フルカラー見開きで最新の大作映画について「レポートする」雑誌と称するものがある――レポーター氏は、その映画の製作会社が彼の所属する雑誌も所有していることに気づかないでいるかのようだ…… よろしい、これはなおも「雑誌」と称するものだ。彼らはなおも「レポーター」と称するものだ。そしてこれはなおも「ジャーナリズム」と称するものだ…… それでも、何百万という人々が行っているのは、自ら大喜びで捕捉されようとすることなのだ。

Maybe we should stop calling this “art”, or even “entertainment” 4 that matter ? 4 what is so entertaining about being involved in a collective hallucination? Maybe we should start calling it what it really is, i.e. unfettered MANIPULATION.

そうであれば、私たちがこれを「芸術」と呼ぶことは止めるべきだし、「娯楽」と呼ぶことさえもおかしいのではないか? 集団催眠に巻き込まれることの何が楽しいのだろう? 私たちはこれを実際の在り様、つまり、手枷まではされていない操縦術とでも呼ぶべきではないのか?

In 1995, Clear Channel Communications owned 43 radio stations. Now it owns more than 1,200 - and its army of so-called “independent promoters” r letting legalized payola dictate what u get (or rather don't get) 2 hear on the radio.

1995年当時、Clear Channel Communicationsは43のラジオ局を所有していた。その数は現在1,200以上なっている――そしてその「独立プロモーター」などと呼ばれている部隊は合法的賄賂を駆使して、ラジオで何が聴けるかを(あるいはむしろ、何が聴けないかを)決定付けようとしている。

※参考 上記Clear Channel Communicationsのページの最新の内容(2004/03/16)では、次のような数字になっている ... ラジオ: 735、テレビ: 39、その他のグループ企業: 7

Everywhere u look, the story is the same: more and more money, less and less choice, less and less freedom of access, fewer and fewer companies. How far will this have 2 go b4 a big shift in people's attitude causes this commercial hubris 2 collapse on2 itself and implode?


Power Struggles


The first major cracks in this highly concentrated corporate world have, of course, already begun 2 appear, in what has been making the headlines in the past few months, i.e. shady accounting practices involving enormous amounts of money - enough 2 shake the economy of the most powerful nation of the world. And the hysterical stock markets have of course been swayed by this news, at the xpense of tens of thousands of workers worldwide and millions of small investors who thought that their holdings had nowhere 2 go but up.


The value of AOL Time Warner's stock is now a quarter of what it was at the time of the merger between AOL and Time Warner, and this decline 4ced the company 2 take a $54 billion writedown earlier this year. And now it 2 is being investigated about its accounting practices. The story at Vivendi Universal is similar. Disney shares r near an 8-year low. And there is little doubt in people's mind that the problems r similar everywhere, in every big conglomerate that has become utterly out of touch with the reality of everyday work and the essence of human creativity.

現在AOL Time Warnerの株価はAOLとTime Warnerが合併した当時の1/4になっていて、この下落は今年の初め同社に540億ドルの評価損を計上させることとなった。そして現在、この会計業務もまた捜査の対象になっている。Vivendi Universalにまつわる話も同様だ。Disneyのシェアは8年前の水準にまで落ち込んでいる。そして人々は、どこでも問題は同じと確信するにいたっている。日々の労働のリアリティや人間の創造性の本質といったものとは完全にかけ離れたものになってしまった大コングロマリットならどこでも問題は同じ、ということだ。

In addition, people also realize all 2 well that governments have little - if any - power left when it comes 2 regulating these multinational monsters. Governments have much more power when it comes 2 regulating the lives of ordinary, law-abiding citizens - and they use and abuse this power as a way 2 distract people's attention from how much control the conglomerates have over what we get 2 hear, watch, read, eat, drink, buy, and generally xperience as “free” citizens of the world.


One of the areas where this struggle is most acutely felt is, of course, the online world - a sprawling, anarchic community that is still in its infancy and whose exponential development in the last decade took everyone by surprise. And nothing xemplifies the struggle between government, big business, and individual rights better than the highly controversial issue of “peer-2-peer” file sharing and its many digital variations.


A Nation of Thieves?


Will the media/technology giants recover from the latest stock market slump? They probably will - but at what cost? In all likelihood, the cost will b more “restructuring”, more layoffs, more xecutive shuffles and golden parachutes, causing even further alienation from their own employees and customers. And this, in turn, will further encourage the very behaviors that they claim r illegal and want punished by criminal law - all the while preserving their own impunity as they continue 2 carelessly flounder a capital that they do not own.

メディア/テクノロジーの巨人たちは、最近の株式市場の低迷から立ち直るだろうか? おそらくは立ち直るだろう――しかしそれは、どんなコストのもとに? ほとんど間違いなくそのコストは、それら企業の従業員や顧客に対してこれまで以上に根深い疎外感を与えることになる、さらなる「リストラ」、さらなるレイオフ、さらなる重役の入れ替えとそれに伴う破格の退職手当という形をとるだろう。そしてこれは周りまわって、彼らが違法であると主張し刑法で罰すことを望んでいる行動そのものをさらに活気づけることになるだろう――彼らが保有しているわけでもない資本の泥沼に不用意にはまり続けることについて、彼ら自身の刑事免責が守られている限りずっと。

※ 日本で「リストラ」は「大量解雇」限定の意味で定着していて、原文とはニュアンスが微妙に違う訳文になったような気もするが、いまのところいい訳語が思いつかない。

Napster may have gone bankrupt and become a closed chapter in the Internet's short history, but its death is by no means a reflection of a decline in peer-2-peer (P2P) file sharing, quite the contrary. If anything, P2P has grown even further - but since it's becoming totally decentralized, there is no easy way 2 measure its significance.


What is 4 sure, however, is that, in spite of its many claims 2 the contrary, the recording industry has yet 2 provide evidence that P2P is actually detrimental 2 music making as an artistic endeavor, and even as a commercial venture. It is worth remembering, 4 xample, that sales of music CDs actually increased when Napster was at its peak, and declined after Napster was abruptly shut down. Even economists who thought that file sharing “should b” hurting the recording industry r now xpressing their doubts, based on what they say is simply not happening.


More importantly, many well-respected artists have sided with Internet users against corporate greed and actually use the Internet 2 promote alternative ways 2 distribute their music and reach out 2 a non-captive, legitimate audience of authentic music lovers.


This does not mean, of course, that all 4ms of file sharing r equally innocuous. There is little doubt that, when people use the Internet as a substitute 4 radio, i.e. as a way 2 discover new music, it can help promote the work of artists. But when a young junior high school student downloads tracks off the Internet and makes CD-R copies of them that he then sells 4 $5 in the schoolyard, it hurts sales of the original CD and it's disrespectful of the artist - regardless of how small a cut of the actual CD price the artist actually gets after all the xecutives and the middlemen in the recording industry have taken their piece of the pie.


Still, can we really go as far as 2 say that digital technology is creating a “nation of thieves” who no longer recognize the just value of art?


※ 上にあるWebArchive経由の「盗人国民」リンクはWashingtonPostがはじいているため無効。WashingtonPost記事を直接読むことは現在でもできる。

Protecting the Product


It is worth noting, 2 begin with, that the recording industry itself is far from having distinguished itself by recognizing the true value of art. Instead, it has consistently fought 2 b allowed 2 deprive many artists of their most fundamental rights. It has allowed popular artists 2 go bankrupt even though their albums were selling by the millions. It has reduced the artists' cut of the album sales pie 2 a ridiculously small portion of the actual income generated by these sales. It has consistently pushed commercial musical products at the xpense of real musical artistry.


This hardly entitles the recording industry 2 lecture anyone about recognizing the just value of art.


It is also interesting 2 note that the cultural products that seem 2 b the primary concern of the industry giants r those that r already the most popular ones, and that things such as CD copy protection r being xperimentally used mostly with items that will sell millions regardless of whether they r copy-protected or not.

また、業界の巨人たちの一番の関心事であると思われる文化製品とは既にもっとも人気を博しているものであり、コピー保護がなされているか否かに関わらず数百万枚売れるであろうアイテムを中心にCDコピー保護が試験的に使用されている 、ということに注目しても面白いだろう。

So r most citizens really being completely disrespectful of the value of art and the need 2 provide appropriate compensation 2 the artists 4 their works? We've said it b4 and we'll say it again: the rise of digital technology and peer-2-peer file sharing has little 2 do with people's intrinsic respect 4 art and artists, and everything 2 do with the cynical attitude of big industry conglomerates, which have consistently pushed 4 more and more commercial, highly profitable products at the xpense of authentic art and respect 4 artists.

一方で、ほとんどの市民が本当に、芸術の価値や作品に対しての適切な対価をアーティストに支払う必要といったことついてまったく関心を払っていないのだろうか? これまで言及してきたが、もう一度言おう――デジタルテクノロジーおよびP2Pファイル共有の台頭は、人々が持っている芸術やアーティストへの本質的な敬意とはほとんど関係がない。それは実に、本物の芸術やアーティストへの敬意を犠牲にしてより商業的で高利益の製品を一貫して推し進めてきた、巨大産業コングロマリットのシニカルな態度に関係するものなのだ。

※ 私の感覚がずれてるだけかもしれないけど、外来語として定着している「シニカル」は「皮肉っぽい」という意味の用法が多いように思う。で、この「シニカルな態度」で文意が伝わるだろうか? 「不審にもとづく態度」とかにしたほうがいいかな?

If people do not feel enough guilt 2 prevent them from making digital copies of the latest episode of a popular TV show or hit pop song, it is precisely because the industry giants have succeeded in making these works purely commercial products, with little or no consideration 4 their actual artistic value. It is precisely because these companies have been consistently promoting commercial products at the xpense of artistic works.


The fact that actual works of art still manage 2 seep thru the cracks of this huge profit-driven industry does not change anything about the fundamental equations that have been driving and still drive the industry, 2day more than ever - i.e. that art = money, artists = money-makers, and art lovers = consumers.


※ この「芸術」「アーティスト」「芸術愛好家」って並び、バランスが悪いな。

As a simple xample of how little music is valued as an art 4m by the industry, it is estimated that only about 20 percent of music ever recorded is currently available - and, of this 20 percent, what proportion is actually readily available 2 music lovers? What proportion is not the current 100 top albums on the SoundScan charts?

芸術形態の一つとして業界に評価されている音楽がいかに少ないか、その簡単な例を挙げよう。過去録音されて現在入手できる音楽は20%ほどでしかないと見積もられている――そしてその20%のうち、音楽愛好家が実際に容易に入手できる割合はどれほどになるだろう? SoundScanのアルバム・チャートで現在トップ100に入っていないものの割合はどれほどになるだろう?

It simply appears that the instinctive reaction of the lover of art (b it music, TV shows, movies, or other 4ms of art) is such that, if the industry has no respect 4 his or her identity as an appreciator of art, then he or she has no reason 2 have any respect 4 the industry as a purveyor of art. By making digital copies of so-called cultural products, many people r not demonstrating their lack of respect 4 art and 4 artists, but r xpressing - consciously or not - their frustration with the way the entertainment industry profits from art at the xpense of both art makers and art lovers.


The consumers of the commercial products of the entertainment industry r only as cynical as the industry has deliberately made them, by dumbing down their products, by xploiting artists, by making profit-driven choices and decisions, and by providing their own kind with obscene compensations and legal impunity that r completely out of touch with the real world of ordinary people.


Don't Get It Twisted


That being said, the whole debate about file sharing and digital piracy is, most of all, a convenient way 4 industry conglomerates 2 deflect attention from their own shady business practices and dubious alliances.


4 xample, it is worth noting that the Warner Music Group is heavily involved in the recording industry's fight against piracy, but that its own parent company, AOL Time Warner, is directly benefiting from file sharing, as a provider of Internet access 2 millions of Internet users worldwide. When AOL Time Warner repeatedly flaunts its ever-increasing number of members (34 million and counting) and the billions of hours that they spend online, is there any doubt that a good part of this growth involves the “unlawful” xchange of computer files at the detriment of recording artists?

たとえば、Warner Music Groupはレコード業界の海賊行為撲滅運動に深く関わっているが、その親会社AOL Time Warnerは、世界中の無数のインターネットユーザーが利用するインターネットアクセスのプロバイダとしてファイル共有から直接収益をあげている、ということは注目に価する。AOL Time Warnerは、増えつづける会員の数(3400万でなおも増加中)と会員たちがオンラインで過ごす途方もない時間を繰り返し誇示しているが、そうであるなら、その成長の大部分がレコーディングアーティストに損害を与えるコンピューターファイルの「非合法な」交換に関係している、という疑念はないのだろうか?

In other words, the real “thieves” r not necessarily those that r currently getting the blame… Rather than a “nation of thieves”, the current situation looks, 2 us, much more like an “elite of thieves”.

言い換えれば、現在批難されている人たちが真の「盗人」であるとは限らない…… 現在の状況は私たちには、「盗人の国民」というよりも「盗人の選りすぐり」というほうがよほど近いように見える。

And the real victims of this thievery r very much, as usual, the recording artists themselves, who will never get their share of AOL's profits as an Internet access provider, even though these profits r partly based on the content that they originally provided. And the real victims also include authentic music lovers, who already suffer from restricted access 2 the full range of music that they would like 2 xplore, and who r also likely 2 suffer from technological restrictions that will soon prevent them from making legitimate copies of the works that they have lawfully purchased 4 their own enjoyment.


Make no mistake: the entertainment industry (including TV, movies and music) might b big, but the technology industry is even bigger. Remember that it is AOL that bought Time Warner, and not the other way around. Remember that Sony makes much more money in electronics and computer equipment than it does in record sales…

間違えてはいけない。(TV、映画、音楽を含む)エンターテイメント業界は巨大かもしれないが、テクノロジー業界はさらに巨大なのだ。思い起こして欲しい。Time Warnerを買収したのはAOLであってその逆ではない、ということを。Sonyが電気・コンピュータ機器で上げる収益はレコード売上げによるものよりはるかに大きい、ということを……

If the technology industry ends up implementing technological limitations that prevent users from lawfully enjoying their purchases - as it is threatening 2 do - the beneficiaries will not b the artists whose works r thus being allegedly “protected”. And it will certainly not b the art lovers whose enjoyment of art will thus b restricted. No, it will simply b, once again… the industry conglomerates, who will have yet another generation of incompatible media and devices 2 sell 2 us under the guise of “technological improvement”.




The technology and entertainment industries r simply 2 big 4 us 2 xpect any overnight changes. The industry giants will continue 2 do their best 2 deflect people's attention away from their own wrongdoings and 2 blame falling profits and commercial failures on piracy at the same time that they r encouraging their customers 2 adopt the very technologies that make piracy possible. Artists will continue 2 b lured by unrealistic promises and contracts with big numbers and lots of small print.


How long, however, b4 a critical mass of established artists realize that it is in their best interests, both artistically and commercially, 2 leave the system 4 good? How long b4 a critical mass of young aspiring artists become aware of the enslaving aspects of the system and r careful not 2 get involved in it without a maximum of precautions? And how long b4 a critical mass of art lovers get 2gether 2 provide these artists with a real, valuable, legitimate, truthfully enthusiastic alternative audience that completes the process of rendering the xisting system artistically irrelevant?

しかしながら、実績のあるアーティストの大多数がシステムと完全に手を切ることは芸術/商業の両面において得策だと気づくまでに、どれほど時間がかかるというのだろう? 芸術家を志す若者の大多数がシステムの隷属的側面を認識するようになって入念な事前注意を受けなくとも注意深くふるまうまでに、どれほど時間がかかるというのだろう? そして、芸術愛好家の大多数が団結して上に挙げたようなアーティストたちに実際の、価値ある、合法的な、本当に熱心な、これまでとは違うオーディエンスを送り届け、芸術について見当外れの現在のシステムへの奉仕プロセスに終わりを告げるまでに、どれほど時間がかかるというのだろう?

It all depends on us - and it all depends on u.



にわかな奴ほど語りたがる -- あるハッカー
