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khiranoの日記: Language Death 6

日記 by khirano
Kazunari Hirano Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 8:51PM To: Sander Vesik Thanks Sander-san, > I'm relatively settled in Estonia ATM, OK. BTW why not are there Estonian Native Language Project like et.openoffice.org? You've got a good site: http://openoffice-et.sf.net/ Also there is no Swedish Native Language Project even though Sun builds Swedish version. Why? http://l10n.openoffice.org/languages.html > > http://native-lang.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=com&msgId=1122211 > > :) ---- People should really be free to have their own localisations if they want to, irrespective of what the official policy of the country they live in on the language existing / being a dialect, being about to dissapear, having dissapeared etc is. ---- # I love this part! And! ---- Does mean we need to make the lcoalisation *for* them, simply accept them and help when they show up. ---- Yes, they shall show up! Thanks, .sigless
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