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khiranoの日記: Kevinがきた!

日記 by khirano
Kevin がきた![MacOSX SRC680] howto obtain jre5issues cws. Hi, By previous agreement with Stefan and others, I thought all had agreed that JDK 1.3 level features only would be used. Exactly what on earth requires JDK 1.5? If this is a primary feature it should be removed and reimplmented in JDK 1.3 prior to any release. Only if it is a minor or non-required secondary feature should it be allowed and even then it should probably be rewritten to JDK 1.3 with the help of open class files. Kevin

皆さんもソースを読むときに、行と行の間を読むような気持ちで見てほしい -- あるハッカー
