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587577 journal

slashdot.orgの日記: (2004年まとめ)

日記 by slashdot.org

Engineered Enhancers Closer Than You Think

Posted by michael on 2005/12/31(Friday) 18:15
from the tempus-fugit dept.

RetroGeek writes "It has been almost a full year for the Mars rovers. NASA has created a flashback of rover images and information. You can use either HTML or Flash (it is the best use of the technology I have seen). There is even a movie taken from the hazard avoidance camera showing the full year of travel."


The Year 2004 in Microprocessors

Posted by michael on 2005/12/31(Friday) 17:03
from the happy-new-year dept.

DeanMan writes "From spintronics to clockless CPUs, 2004 was a year of process and research in the microprocessor industry. As a way to transition into the new year, this article offers a month-by-month look at the highlights of the 2004 microprocessor timeline."


Science: Top Science Stories of 2004

Posted by michael on 2005/12/31(Friday) 13:10
from the out-with-the-old dept.

borkbot writes "New Scientist has several round-ups of 2004. They include one for technology , space and biology . There's also an interesting peice about the most popular stories of the year."


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