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umqの日記: 斜め読みを指摘したら

日記 by umq


これはたしかに Base-32 と呼ぶと混乱する

3. Base-32 Encoding

Sometimes DNSCurve communicates arbitrary byte strings inside domain names. While the DNS protocol is 8-bit safe for names and labels (except for case-insensitive handling of ASCII alphabetic characters), many tools have trouble with arbitrary characters in domain names, in particular domain registrar software. To cope with this limitation, DNSCurve encodes byte strings using a set of safe alphanumeric characters.

In DNSCurve's base-32 encoding, a byte string is interpreted as a number in little-endian form. Each 5-bit sequence of this number, from least significant to most significant, is encoded as one of the standard "digits" "0123456789bcdfghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz". A final sequence of fewer than 5 bits is zero-extended before encoding. Decoders MUST accept "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ" as synonyms for "bcdfghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz".

For example, the two-byte string with bytes {0x64,0x88} (i.e., {100,136} decimal) is interpreted as the integer 0x8864 (i.e., 34916). The bits 1000100001100100 of this integer are divided into 5-bit parts 00100, 00011, 00010, 00001, which in turn are encoded as "4", "3", "2", "1". The original string is therefore encoded as the string "4321".

N.B., this is not the same encoding as defined in [RFC4648]. In particular, the byte string is chunked into 5-bit sequences differently, and a different alphabet is used. The first allows DNSCurve public keys to be encoded slightly more compactly (see Section 4), and the second helps to further prevent false positives when searching for base-32 encoded strings in domain names.

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