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masakunの日記: 【OS/2】OpenOffice.org 2.4 beta 1 for eComStation and OS/2

日記 by masakun

素晴らしきかなOS/2の先日のメモに書きましたが、OpenOffice.org for OS/2にv2.4.0開発者向けβ(ESD version)がリリースされました。なんでもOOo for Windows 2.4.0 M2のソースコードが元になっているとか。

【5/4追記】Index of /openoffice/developer/OOH680_m2によると、Win32版のビルドは2008年1月半ば。OS/2への移植に約2ヶ月かかっているということか。Odinさまさまですね。

# OpenOffice.org for OS/2を購入してからもう1年が経つんだなぁ。円高のうちに(12 months) renewal (digital delivery)を購入しておこう(ってMensysで購入するとユーロ換算だから、18.72Euroで三千円か【最新の為替相場】)


- Support for XWP/eWPS sliding menu hilite (requires XWorkPlace 1.0.8 or eCS 2.0 RC4)
- Support for clipboard bitmap formats and unicode text.
- Support for mouse wheel.
- Support for WPS integration via seperate package (OOoWPS101.WPI)
- FT2: this release supports the FreeType2 font engine for better text rendering.
- QUICKSTART: quickstart has been implemented eComStation and OS/2; when enabled in OOo option dialogs, a shadow of your quickstart WPS icon object will be created in the startup folder.
- NLS: multiple NLS versions can be installed, you can change the language with:
Tools -> Options -> Language settings -> User Interface


Double click on the base WPI file (OOo240b1-base.wpi), it will automatically find the binaries and NLS WPI files.

Note: In this release of OpenOffice.org NLS WPI files are not provided.
The only available NLS version is English.

- Please note that WarpIn 1.0.17 or higher is required.
You can download the latest WarpIn package from http://warpin.netlabs.org
- Besides this, also the UniClip and the kLIBC 0.6.3. packages are required to be installed prior to installing OpenOffice.org 2.4.
- WarpIn version 1.0.17, UniClip 0.2.2 and kLIBC 0.6.3 can also be downloaded from the OOo download directory.


- Printing of unicode text could fail, this is an ft2lib issue under investigation.

- OpenOffice.org will load into high memory, this causes it to fail on some systems. If this happens OpenOffice.org will popup an errormessage when this happens, with a reference to the failing DLL.

    It may help to set the VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT to 1536 or 1024 in the config.sys. With recent kernels it is possible to mark dynamic libraries for high memory loading (get above512 from hobbes). Since this feature is not stable, we cannot apply to code, but testers have found it works in most situations (be aware, you can trap your system when killing OOo).
    Another helpful hint is to use the QuickStart feature described above, this will 'preload' parts of OpenOffice into memory, which may increase the succesrate of loading OpenOffice.

- Font rendering: Since rendering is done directly with Unicode fonts, it may happen that some older fonts are not anti-aliased; this means that your font does not support Unicode charmaps and needs to be upgraded.
- Java not supported.
- Mozilla not supported.
- E-mail related settings are not supported.
- Play of sounds is not working.
- Macro security not working (req. java).
- Digital signatures not working (req. java)
- Base module supports dBase, MySQL, ODBC databases, hsqldb not supported (req. java).
- Some wizards are not supported, because they require java. (Menu option will fail silently).

【4/13追記】kLIBC 0.6.3はnetlabsから入手しておくこと。Mensysのftpサイトにあるのは 0.6.2だった。

SET home={インストール元のディレクトリ}

を書いておけと注意された(^^; いやまだインストールが終了してない途中経過の報告なんだけど(汗

この議論は、masakun (31656)によって テキ禁止として作成されたが、今となっては 新たにコメントを付けることはできません。

海軍に入るくらいなら海賊になった方がいい -- Steven Paul Jobs
