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7138914 journal

raycyの日記: タイプライティング文書読者というユーザー 2

日記 by raycy
(法廷内発言者)発言 → (court reporter速記者)速記録( 速記者メモ。short hand版) → (court reporter速記者自身が清書者を兼務。あるいはディクテイト・タイピング。(読み上げが必要とされたのには、まだタッチタイプが普及していなかったことも あろう。)) 文書(long hand版。) → (顧客(ないし次工程)読者)
  • (→ 次のようなことは なかったか?→ゲラ状態で 判事/検察側/弁護側に 速報として回る、、)


  • → 製本業者

(→正式印刷速記録(long hand版))
速記notes記録recordされたものが すべて反訳・清書されたわけでもなさそうである。また、すべてが正式印刷された速記録となったわけでもなさそうである。

速記者が 書きとめた速記文を 文字化して 文書として顧客(ないし次工程)読者に出力していた。 カーボンコピーによって 数部作成しつつ、。

  • cf.
    • (ただし ほぼイコールといえるのは 対価の授受まで伴うとき と いうことになろうか。)


  • ~1874年 手書きしていた。
  • 1874年~1878~1882年 それを 大文字タイプライタ文書に 置き換えていた。
  • 1878年~1882年~ 大文字/小文字タイプライタ文書になっていく、、

この変化は、 速記者の清書打鍵の手間は 大文字タイプライティングが もっとも 楽だったのかもしれない。タイプライティング文書生産者にとっては。 だが、大文字/小文字混じり文は 読みやすかったであろう。読み手にとっては。

For a time the bench and bar were content with the all capital writing, as it was a great step in advance of the pen writing previously in use, but, united with the desire for something better, the reading of this style of print has become too monotonous to the eye to be borne, and the general sentiment is now in favor of the upper and lowercase writing, or caps and small letters. The difficulty with the all capital writing was obviated to some extent by double spacing the lines, but the additional trouble this involved is avoided by the use of capitals and small letters, printed with which the record is no doubt read with less fatigue to the eye than the double spacing with all capitals. A. J. Henderson.Toronto, Ont., How to prepare a court record., Paper read at the International Congress of Shorthand Writers, Toronto, August l6thand 17th, 1883:, Brown & Holland shorthand news. Vol. II., Nov. 1883. No. 11., p. 227. Brown & Holland shorthand news. v. 2 (1883). - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library:

いったん (議会やら?) 法廷内部文書の世界では 大文字タイプ文書が流通するようになっちゃっていた、、 | raycyの日記 | スラッシュドット・ジャパン:

I remember when some of the upper and lower case writing was shown for the first time to the chief justice of Ontario and to the president of the chancery division of the high court, they urged me to wear out myall capital machine as speedily as possible and obtain one with which such desirable work was done. The great objection to this has been the loss of time resulting from using two sets of letters. I have the pleasure of dictating my evidence to another, who has been operating the double letter machine at intervals for less than a year past, and whose opinion agrees with my own that with the class of machine we use, the caligraph, there is probably not more than ten per cent, of time lost, if that, as compared with the all capital machine. It is, perhaps, time enough when any one raises the question of agency to say that I had adopted the caligraph, having previously used the typewriter for a period of four years, before the question of agency ever oc- curred to me. There has been such a revulsion of feeling in favor of upper and lower case writing, that it marks an era quite as im- portant in the domain of a reporter's duties as did the substitution of writing machines for the old and slower mode of pen writing. A. J. Henderson.Toronto, Ont., How to prepare a court record., Paper read at the International Congress of Shorthand Writers, Toronto, August l6thand 17th, 1883:, Brown & Holland shorthand news. Vol. II., Nov. 1883. No. 11., p. 227. Brown & Holland shorthand news. v. 2 (1883). - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library:

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