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本家のネットワークトラブルと解決への道レポート 23

ストーリー by Oliver
これがネットワーク管理の現場 部門より



この議論は賞味期限が切れたので、アーカイブ化されています。 新たにコメントを付けることはできません。
  • Ciscoのサポートがとっても優秀みたい。ほんと。電話越しに受答えしながらtelnetしてなおしてくれるなんて、、、。

    There is no spoon.
  • by motochan (987) on 2001年06月28日 16時32分 (#4205) ホームページ
  • レポート中に、 "A friendly hacker had cracked into it and fixed it for us" という記述があり、神(?)にもすがりたいさまがうかがえて面白かった(失礼!)ですが、 こういう人はHacker、Crackerのどちらに分類されるのでしょうか。

    結果はどうあれアクセス権の無い人間が勝手に操作するのですからCrackerでないとは 言えないものの、山形氏の解釈 によるとHackerの部類に属するともいえます。

  •  ボクのアルバイトしてる会社なんかでも、Firewallの調子がおかしいらしいという事態になったときに、そういえばpasswordは何だっけ? というようなことがあったみたいですが、それとこれとでは次元が違うみたいですね:-)




    -------- SORAMINE Yukino
  •  昨年の今ごろですかね.P*Iの中の東京*ンターネットからP*Iへのルーティングがとまったのは.

  • by Anonymous Coward on 2001年06月28日 14時01分 (#4176)

    Received: from nsm-mail2.cisco.com (nsm-mail2.cisco.com [])
    by xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx) with ESMTP id WAA07151
    for ; Wed, 27 Jun 2001 xx:xx:xx -0400 (EDT)
    Received: from xxx.cisco.com [171.70.39.***])

    by nsm-mail2.cisco.com (8.8.8-Cisco List Logging/8.8.8) with ESMTP id
    T$ for ; Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:19:57 -0700 (PDT)
    Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:14:54 -0700 (PDT)
    From: xxxx
    To: xxxx
    Subject: Slashdot
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
    They must have spoken with the tooth fairy. Who did they claim they spoke with, if you can get that name I can verify this for you.

    Yours truly,
    xxx xxx

    xxx xxx
    Cisco Systems

    > How's it going, I need you to do me a quick solid and check
    > to see who was it from OSDN that called you last weekend
    > regarding a network problem. Can you check TAC log records
    > or something for anything like OSDN, Slashdot, Andover?

    So Slashdot fictionalized a wonderful story about the network going down, and no one being able to fix it in time. How charasmatic and thoughtful of them to give us a nice story. "Where in the world is Anne Tomlinson? " We couldn't find anything on Google under a myriad of searches such as +"Anne Tomlinson" +"Cisco", +"Anne Tomlinson" +"@andover.net", +"Anne Tomlinson" +"@osdn.com", but that would be unfair to say she does not exist (how dare we implicate this), so we did the next best thing we dug deeper for you to give you some possible truth to the madness and lies. Attention Slashdot staff: Don't make me embarass you by posting what I received from friends who work at Cisco, after all you have to remember their TAC center logs everything there.

    for i in ls `mail/* ; do grep * | grep Slashdot | cat $i | mail -s "Truth about Slashdot" usenet-lists

    Remember when Slashdot was DDoS'ed last year? Funny how there is no mention of her coming to save the day.

    I'm sorry it took this long to put this together and tell you what happened, but as these things go, we were too busy trying to solve the problem to waste time talking about it. Big thanks to Andover.Net's Netops PatL, Martin and Liz, as well as Slashcode-wranglers PatG, Chris, Marc, Kurt and CowboyNeal, plus scoop (from freshmeat) and others who chimed in along the way. Tomorrow is part2: A good description of how the new Slashdot @ Exodus works.

    Shame on you Slashdot for keeping Anne like a Crouching Tigress Hidden Dragon. Could it be she doesn't exist, and someone from OSDN sabotaged the network in order to fire someone with ease?

    Why would they? Simple, if a situation such as this occurred, it would be easier to kill -9 someone's salary without having to worry about whether that person would retaliate with an anti OSDN story which would embarass Slashdot. Makes sense, after all why couldn't "Netops PatL, Martin and Liz, as well as Slashcode-wranglers PatG, Chris, Marc, Kurt and CowboyNeal, plus scoop (from freshmeat) and others who chimed in along the way" fix this problem this time around?

    We all have heard about Michael's shenanigans with Censorware, so how do we know he didn't sabotage things to have perhaps, make Malda look dumb in order for him to take over. The possibilities are endless, however waiting for the truth to arise from this shady story concocted by "Team Slashdot " is also endless, and pointless. We shall see in the next few weeks how the axe falls, and whom no longer posts articles here, to determine what REALLY happened when Slashdot's network was the weakest link. Moderators sure you can bring this down to -4 if possible, but the truth always comes out, why not let the skilled "Team Slashdot" moderate it down, and counter this word for word, I'm sure we'd all love to hear about some other stealth employee lurking in the shadows whom they forgot worked there all this time, who was to blame.
  • by Anonymous Coward on 2001年06月28日 15時05分 (#4189)







吾輩はリファレンスである。名前はまだ無い -- perlの中の人
