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houji-teaの日記: 不倫サイト個人情報流出 恐喝はじまる

日記 by houji-tea


Your data was leaked in the recent hacking of Ashley Madison and I now have
your information. I have also used your e-mail address to find your
Facebook profile, using this I now have a direct line to contact all your
friends and family.

If you would like to stop me from sharing this information with all of your
known friends and family (and perhaps even your work too?) then you need to
send exactly 1.05 bitcoins to the following address.

Bitcoin Address;

You may be wondering why should you and what will prevent other people from
doing the same, in short you now know to change your privacy settings on
Facebook so no one can view your friends/family list. So go ahead and
update that now (I have a copy if you don't pay) to stop any future e-mails
like this.

You can buy Bitcoin's using online exchanges easily. If the Bitcoin is not
paid within 3 days of 23 - August - 2015 then my system will automatically
message all your friends and family. The bitcoin address is unique to YOU.

Consider how expensive a divorce lawyer is. If you are no longer in a
committed relationship then think about how this will affect your social
standing amongst family and friends. What will your friends and family
think about you?


この議論は賞味期限が切れたので、アーカイブ化されています。 新たにコメントを付けることはできません。

普通のやつらの下を行け -- バッドノウハウ専門家
